Is apple all that?
I have finally gone full apple...funny after so many years would have thought I would have gone to the great apple in the sky long ago. But for various being I was enamored with the idea of building my own computer, which guaranteed that all the hardware would be of the highest quality even if the techniques used in building said computer were not!
After seeing the new 27" imac i decided this was the machine, easily transportable....more so than a true desktop with the speed and space required for my images. Lets just get to the in-so-far as I can see, is right out of the gate just a bit more stable than my 3 year old PC, which sits directly across from it. In the less than two weeks of use I have had crashes, freezes, sofware glitches and computer that when put to sleep goes into a perminant coma. All these symptoms compare favorably to my PC, not lets say a good thing. I have not got a bit of an idea about macs, lets call this idea a hypothesis to be more scientific about it. It goes something like this:
Apples apparent stability and interface superiority although apparent are an illusion. This illusion is created through a series of phycological manipulations calculated to create a placebo type effect on your observational skills of the machine.
How could this be?
1) through Macintosh's initial software code that was compared to say windows 95
(windows 95 anyone? I didn't think so) was much more stable. So what once was, remains in your perception.
2) slick advertising.....which further leads you to be believe that he product is superior, and the lack of or better yet terrible advertising campaigns for the windows.
3) slick interface. and product is without a question that the interface of the apple is if not better than at least more slick than a pc.
So far you have your perception of what an apple represents, advertising that backs that perception up, a detrimental advertising campaign from windows, packaging both the product box and the product itself which is to say the lest pleasant on the eyes. Think of how that iphone is packaged, you would think the crown jewels were inclosed.
Could it be that with all these supposed positive stimuli that your brain perceived the product as superior without proper factual back up? Could one discounts the numerous crashes and freezes, your brain in essence filters out what it does not want to see?
Only time will tell, as two weeks is not long enough to judge any product of this complexity.
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