Walking The Environmental Walk
I have recently purchased what I think, with good reason, is the best car hands down to own. The VW TDI wagon. I have been looking to buy this car for several years now. In that time I looked at just about every type of high mpg car available, nothing touched it. The only draw back of the older TDI was the exhaust, which was standard dirty diesel. This new TDI is a clean diesel and certified under the most stringent California air quality rules. Why is said car so wonderful? Can anyone say 50 - 55 mpg highway with a solid 65mpg at 45 mph while in cruise! Beyond that it has cargo room for all my photography equipment and two assistants...tight but they all fit! There are plans to go veggie as my brother did with his truck while adding on a hydrogen generator, although both are pending.
Going Veggie
Going veggie? There are kits that allow most diesels to run on pure veggie oil (which is usually picked up for free or at a small cost from your local fry joint). The kits are not currently available due to the new model but I hope they will come out later this year. Once this happens, my brother, who owns a diesel truck he converted to run on veggie, has a large supply of oil he picks up at local joints. Dirty yes, fun absolutely!
Brother filling up with veggie
The darker side of veggie fuel...the nastly places you must go
And hydrogen generators? A close friends father has build up one from scratch and another had one professionally installed, both with apparent good results, although I am still a bit skeptical. How does it supposedly work? Take water or similar electrolyte solutions and add an electrical current which breaks apart the molecular bonds of H2 & O, thereby separating the Oxygen from the Hydrogen. Remember the Hindenburg...all hydrogen..this stuff burns. In essence you install a kit, in which electrical current provided by the car battery separates the hydrogen from the oxygen, then transports that hydrogen to your air intake..bingo the car has a very potent air mixture in which to burn the fuel...thus it uses less fuel to create the same amount of power, that's the theory. My query is, are these gains my friends see in MPG due to the hydrogen or to more careful driving as they try to see results from their spending of $500, or working for 3 weeks to build one of these willy wonka devises?
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